Partner organizations (inside or outside Oxford): Wolfson College, Oxford
Project Description:
The Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library is the website of The Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust, which looks after all aspects of Berlin’s literary estate. Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) was a philosopher and historian of ideas of worldwide repute, though his academic career was always Oxford-based. He was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory (1957-67) and founding President of Wolfson College (1966-75). The Trust’s main tasks are to edit and publish the best of Berlin’s unpublished writing, including his letters; to publish collections of his best uncollected work; to post other material, and relevant information, on this website; and in general to foster awareness of and access to Berlin’s intellectual, literary and personal legacy. Among much else, the website includes catalogues of Berlin's published and unpublished work (including translations), of his interviews and broadcasts, and of books and articles written about him.
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