15cBOOKTRADE: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance Medieval and Modern Languages, Dr Christina Dondi - ERC Funded
A New Edition of Leonardo's Codex Leicester for Bill Gates Trinity College, Martin Kemp - Bill Gates Funded
Ancient Cyprus in the Ashmolean Museum Ashmolean Museum, Jonathan Moffett - Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, MLA
Ashmolean Museum Collections Management System Ashmolean Museum, Nick Mayhew - DCMS/Wolfson Foundation Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund
Beazley Archive Online Databases Classics Faculty, Dr Peter Stewart - British Academy, Monument Trust, Bavarian Academy
Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads Bodleian Libraries, Mike Heaney - NFF Specialised Research Collections Initiative
Book of Curiosities: An early 11th-century Arabic cosmography Oriental Studies Faculty, Emilie Savage-Smith; Jeremy Johns - AHRC, Heritage Lottery Fund
Building a Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities (BVREH) Oxford e-Research Centre, Alan Bowman - JISC
Centre for the Study of Early Music (CSEM) Music Faculty, Elizabeth Eva Leach - John Fell OUP Research Fund; IWT
Computer vision approaches to the study of early printing English Faculty, Dr. Giles Bergel - John Fell Fund; JISC
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Online Classics Faculty, Donna Kurtz - Getty Trust and the National Academies of British, French, Bavarian,
Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM) Music Faculty, Elizabeth Eva Leach; Thomas Schmidt (Bangor); Martin Kauffmann - AHRC, Andrew W Mellon Foundation, IWT
e-Science and Ancient Documents (eSAD) Classics Faculty, Alan Bowman; Michael Brady; Melissa Terras (UCL) - AHRC, EPSRC, JISC
England: the Other Within: Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum Pitt Rivers Museum, Christopher Gosden - Funding Body
Jane Austen's holograph fiction manuscripts: a digital and print resource English Faculty, Kathryn Sutherland - AHRC
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI: Monuments from Phrygia, Lycaconia, and Cappadocia Classics Faculty, Peter Thonemann - AHRC, British Academy
Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale - Kentish Anglo-Saxon graves and grave-goods in the Sonia Hawkes archive Archaeology, Helena Hamerow - AHRC, Römisch-Germanische Kommission
Recovering the material and visual cultures of the southern Sudan: A museological resource Pitt Rivers Museum, Jeremy Coote and Elizabeth Edwards - AHRC
Rethinking Pitt-Rivers: Analysing the Activities of a Nineteenth-Century Collector Pitt Rivers Museum, Jeremy Coote - The Leverhulme Trust
Romano-British Writing Tablets Classics Faculty, Alan Bowman - British Academy, Aurelius Trust, Haverfield Bequest
South Cadbury Environs Project Archaeology, Gary R. Lock - University of Bristol, Leverhulme Trust, AHRB
The John Johnson Collection: an Archive of Printed Ephemera Bodleian Libraries Research & Learning Services, David Tomkins - JISC
The Tibet Album: British photography in Central Tibet 1920-1950 Pitt Rivers Museum - Arts and Humanities Research Council
Tudor Partbooks: the manuscript legacies of John Sadler, John Baldwin and their antecedents Music Faculty, Dr Magnus Williamson - AHRC
Yousef Jameel Online Centre for the Study of Islamic and Eastern Art Ashmolean Museum, Paul Groves - Yousef Jameel, Hon. LHD.
18 Sep Digital Cultural Heritage India The AHRC Network Digital Cultural Heritage India will hold a three-day event in the University of Oxford's e-Research Centre 16-18 September. Oxford e-Research Centre
12 Feb Digital Restoration for Beginners: Is this for me and how would I get started? This seminar is aimed at those interested in the digital reconstruction of manuscripts, wanting to find out more about how it could help their research before committing to purchasing the necessary software. Lecture Room B, Faculty of Music, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DB
21 May Digital Humanities Lunchtime Briefings These introductory briefings are for scholars in the humanities who want to know more about the opportunities to use advanced digital technologies for research. Lecture Hall, Taylor Institution, St Giles
27 May Making the most of digitized books and manuscripts: a free IIIF workshop Learn about new digital tools for humanities research and build your own virtual workspace for viewing books and manuscripts from libraries around the world in this short talk and workshop. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
9 Oct Zegami: Bringing your image collections to life Event Speaker: Samuel Conway and the Zegami team Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
9 Nov Zegami: Bringing your image collections to life Event Speaker: Samuel Conway and the Zegami team Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library