FAQs: Workshop Organisers 2016

This page collects some information and frequently asked questions concerning workshop organisation. It will be expanded as you ask us more questions


  • Who can submit a DHOxSS workshop proposal? 
    Proposals for DHOxSS workshops are usually submitted by members of the University of Oxford (in the loosest possible sense). Sometimes workshop proposals may have co-organisers who are not part of the university. In rare cases pre-approved academic partners from other institutions may submit workshop proposals where the organiser is not at the univeristy if these include significant teaching by members of the University of Oxford.
  • How do I submit a workshop proposal?
    By filling in the the workshop proposal form at http://goo.gl/forms/VOQxwEzmCT before 5pm GMT on 30 October 2015. The workshop proposal stage is now closed!
  • Who decides whether my workshop will be accepted? 
    The DHOxSS 2016 Organisational Committee which has representatives from stakeholding units from around the university.
  • Who can I ask for advice about the workshop organisation or how much work it is? 
    You may approach any member of the DHOxSS 2016 Organisational Committee for advice and support. You may also ask Pip Willcox (pip.willcox@bodleian.ox.ac.uk) to put you in touch with previous workshop organisers.
    Workshop organisation is a significant time committment and should not be undertaken lightly.
  • I don't want to organise a workshop but I think I could contribute to one. How can I find out what workshops are being organised? 
    Contact Pip Willcox (pip.willcox@bodleian.ox.ac.uk) who will put you in touch with any suitable workshop organisers we know are submitting workshops.
  • What are the duties of a workshop organiser or facilitator?
    A workshop organiser or facilitator is entirely responsible for the organisation of the workshop. This includes designing the workshop, sourcing speakers for it, liaising with the DHOxSS administration, providing materials for the website, advertising the workshop, acting as a point of contact for the workshop, and ensuring required software is properly installed (if using IT Services Desktops) or can reasonably be expected to install on delegate's own laptops. During the DHOxSS the workshop organiser or facilitator is responsible for the smooth running of the workshop and as a representative of the DHOxSS as a whole.
  • What dates and deadlines are important to workshop organisers?
    - 30 October 2015: Deadline for DHOxSS 2016 Workshop Proposals
    - 6 November 2015: Committee decision on which workshops to run
    - 7 December 2015: Basic website with draft workshop information from workshop proposals (or any updates provided)
    - 25 January 2016: Deadline for final website materials (Abstract / Detailed Timetables / Speakers) from workshop organisers for website
    - 22 February 2016: Full speaker details (travel, accommodation, etc.) finalised by workshop organisers for DHOxSS Administration
    - 30 May 2016: Deadline for materials for printed booklet.
    - 6 June 2016: Booking closes; Deadline for specialised joining instructions from workshop organisers.
    - 20 - 24 June 2016: Final software checks for those using IT Services teaching suite.
    - 4 - 8 July 2016: DHOxSS 2016
  • What do I get for being a workshop organiser?
    There is no financial remuneration provided for any workshop organiser or speaker. In 2016 DHOxSS is experimenting with workshop facilitators for two commissioned workshops and they are receiving a small amount of remuneration.
    You get the undying thanks of the DHOxSS Organisational Committee, and are thanked by name in the DHOxSS closing slides.
    DHOxSS workshop organisers are also provided:
     - a DHOxSS name badge and delegate bag and materials
     - attendance at any non-workshop additional keynote or parallel lecture (if there is space)
     - lunch each day during DHOxSS
     - an invitation to the DHOxSS Welcome Drinks and Poster Session
     - an invitation to the DHOxSS dinner
     - an invitation to the annual TORCH DH lecture
     - an invitation to a walking tour of Oxford (if they are not from Oxford) [TBC]
  • What can I promise my speakers to convince them to participate?
    There is no financial remuneration provided for any speaker.
    You get the undying thanks of the DHOxSS Organisational Committee, and are thanked by name in the DHOxSS closing slides. 
    DHOxSS speakers are also provided:
     - a DHOxSS name badge and delegate bag and materials
     - attendance at any non-workshop additional keynote or parallel lecture (if there is space)
    - lunch each day they are speaking (or workshop organisers tell DHOxSS administration they are participating in the workshop)
     - an invitation to the annual TORCH DH lecture
     - an invitation to a walking tour of Oxford (if they are not from Oxford) [TBC]
     - an invitation to the DHOxSS Welcome Drinks and Poster Session
     - DHOxSS speakers are not, by default, invited to the DHOxSS dinner.
    Each workshop organiser may nominate some major speakers who may receive an invitation to the dinner. These will be invited by the DHOxSS adminstration, not the workshop organiser, depending on budget and space.
     - DHOxSS speakers can not, by default, visit other workshops that they aren't speaking on, without the express permission of the workshop organiser.
  • What software can we use in our workshop?
    Your workshop will either need to be hosted in IT Services teaching rooms, which have Windows or Mac desktop machines, or run off delegates' own laptops in other locations. Any reasonable software that can be easily installed and does not need additional commercial licenses is preferrable. It is up to workshop organisers to decide whether software required by their workshop will be able to be installed by delegates on their own laptops.
  • I don't know all the details of my workshop, can I still submit a workshop proposal?
    Yes. Many of the questions in the workshop proposal form are optional. However, you will be expected to provide some of these if your workshop is successfully chosen by the DHOxSS Organisational Committee.