The workshops for the Digital Humanites at Oxford Summer School 2016 are:
▶ An Introduction to Digital Humanities
Expert insights into our digital landscape
▶ An Introduction to the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative
Markup for Textual Research
▶ Analysing Humanities Data
An Introduction to Knowledge-Based Computing with the Wolfram Language
▶ Digital Musicology
Applied computational and informatics methods for enhancing musicology
▶ From Text to Tech
Corpus and Computational Linguistics for powerful text processing in the Humanities
▶ Humanities Data: A Hands-On Approach
Making the Most of Messy Data
▶ Linked Data for Digital Humanities
Publishing, Querying, and Linking on the Semantic Web
▶ Social Humanities: Citizens at Scale in the Digital World
Social Media, Citizen Science, and Social Machines