People 2016
The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School is only possible thanks to the many speakers and workshop organisers who donate their time to make the summer school a success. They include:
Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Alfie Abdul-Rahman completed her PhD in Computer Science at Swansea University, focusing on the physically-based rendering and algebraic manipulation of volume models. She is a Research Associate at the Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford. She has been involved with the Imagery Lenses for Visualizing Text Corpora and Commonplace Cultures: Mining Shared Passages in the 18th Century using Sequence Alignment and Visual Analytics, developing web-based visualization tools for humanities scholars, such as Poem Viewer and ViTA: Visualization for Text Alignment. Her research interests include visualization, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction. Before joining Oxford, she worked as a Research Engineer in HP Labs Bristol on document engineering, and then as a software developer in London, working on multi-format publishing.
Laird Barrett, Taylor & Francis
Laird has a background in English Literature and studied academic research and communication online with Ralph Schroeder as an MSc student at the Oxford Internet Institute. He now works for Taylor & Francis journals, helping to develop electronic products. He specifically works on helping to develop the open access publishing program, as well as on archive products and facilitating text-and-data mining.
Scott Billings, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford
Scott Billings is the Digital Engagement Officer for the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. He was previously Public Engagement Officer at the Museum of the History of Science. Scott now leads on digital engagement for the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. He trained in museum education, co-curated exhibitions, and has been a design and cultural heritage journalist and a freelance copywriter.
Gabriel Bodard, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London
Gabriel Bodard is Reader in Digital Classics at the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London. He has been the organizer of the Digital Classicist seminar since 2006, and runs courses and workshops on digital methods for classicists and archaeologists as well as summer schools on digital encoding for ancient epigraphy and papyrology internationally, and teaches a digital classics module in the intercollegiate London Classics/Ancient History MA programme. He is the principal investigator of the Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies project, and a co-author of the EpiDoc Guidelines for XML encoding of ancient documents. After a Classics PhD (on representations of magic in classical and archaic Greece), he worked for fourteen years in digital humanities at King’s College London, specializing in digital epigraphy and collaborating on several major corpora of inscriptions (Aphrodisias, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Northern Black Sea) and Papyri (
Arno Bosse, Faculty of History, University of Oxford
Arno Bosse is the digital project manager for the 'Cultures of Knowledge' research project on early modern correspondences at the University of Oxford and its flagship union catalogue, 'Early Modern Letters Online'. Previously, he worked as Director of Humanities Computing at the University of Chicago where he contributed to a large number of digital humanities projects and in the R&D department of the Göttingen State and University Library where he worked on European digital infrastructure projects. Arno is an active member of the digital humanities community and a participant in the ISCH COST Action ‘Reassembling the Republic of Letters’.
Helen Brown, Faculty of English, University of Oxford
Helen Brown is the Workshop Facilitator for the ‘Introduction to the Guidelines of the TEI’ workshop. She is a first year DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, based in the Faculty of English, and is working towards a digital edition of Alexander Pope’s letters for her research project. Alongside her studies, she is a Digital Editorial Assistant at Oxford University Press, working on projects such as Oxford Scholarly Editions Online and the Very Short Introductions series.
Joanna Bullivant, Faculty of Music, University of Oxford
Joanna Bullivant (Oxford/British Library) is a musicologist educated at the University of Oxford, who specialises in early twentieth-century British music, musical modernism, and music and politics. She recently completed a prestigious Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship at the University of Nottingham, and her monograph based on that project is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. She is now involved with the project ‘Delius, Modernism, and the Sound of Place’, using the MerMEId software developed by the Danish Centre for Music Publication to create a digital catalogue of the works of Frederick Delius.
Chris Cannam, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
Chris Cannam is Principal Research Software Developer in the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London, where he works with researchers to produce useful software for music analysis. He is the primary author of the Sonic Visualiser application and many of its plugins.
Rachel Cowgill, Music and Drama, University of Huddersfield
Professor Rachel Cowgill (Head of Music & Drama, University of Huddersfield) is a musicologist specialising in British musical cultures. She is PI of the AHRC-funded InConcert, working alongside Professors Simon McVeigh, Christina Bashford, Alan Dix, and Dr Rupert Ridgewell (British Library).
Tim Crawford, Computing Department, Goldsmiths, University of London
Tim Crawford worked as a professional lutenist, playing on several recordings made during the 1980s. As a musicologist he studies lute music of the 16th to 18th centuries. Since the early 1990s he has been active in the rapidly-expanding field of MIR and was President of ISMIR for two years. He is PI of the AHRC-funded Transforming Musicology project.
James Cummings, IT Services, University of Oxford
James Cummings is the Senior Academic Research Technology Specialist for IT Services at University of Oxford. James is also the founding co-director of the annual Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. For the last decade he has consistently been an elected member of the Text Encoding Initiative's Technical Council. He spends lots of time helping academics with research projects, especially where they involve textual encoding. James completed a Medieval Studies BA from University of Toronto, and an MA in Medieval Studies and PhD on the archival records of medieval drama from University of Leeds. In addition to speaking on the DHOxSS TEI workshop, he will be running from venue to venue trying to make sure DHOxSS is running smoothly.
David De Roure, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
David De Roure is Professor of e-Research at the University of Oxford, where he directs the multidisciplinary e-Research Centre. Focused on advancing digital scholarship, David has conducted research across disciplines in the areas of social machines, computational musicology, Web Science, social computing, and hypertext. He is a frequent speaker and writer on digital scholarship and the future of scholarly communications, and advises the UK Economic and Social Research Council in the area of Social Media Data and realtime analytics.
Dominic DiFranzo, University of Southampton
Dr. Dominic DiFranzo is a Research Fellow with the Web and Internet Science Group at the University of Southampton in the UK. He currently works in the EPSRC funded project, SOCIAM, which involves researching the nature and development of social machines. His research involves collaborating with colleagues across the social sciences and humanities to translate the tools and methods from data science, e-science and informatics to address their research needs and purposes. This includes working with a wide array of research groups and projects including large-scale social network analysis, experimental ethnography, open government data, and web observatories. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and was a member of the Tetherless World Constellation.
Cristina Dondi, Faculty of History, University of Oxford
Cristina Dondi is Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities at Lincoln College, and Secretary of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL; from 2009-). She is the Principal Investigator of the 5-year project 15cBOOKTRADE, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), which started in April 2014: Cristina was one of the editors of the Bodleian catalogue of incunabula, Bod-inc (OUP 2005), and the creator of the international databases Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) and TEXT-inc Her research focuses on the history of printing and the booktrade in the 15th century, using the surviving books as primary sources for Economic and Social History, the integration of provenance research data as a means to reconstruct dispersed collections, the transmission of texts in print, and on liturgical books, both manuscript and printed.
J. Stephen Downie, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois
J. Stephen Downie is a professor and the associate dean for research at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois. Dr. Downie conducts research in music information retrieval. He was instrumental in founding both the International Society for Music Information Retrieval and the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange. Downie is also the Illinois co-director of the HathiTrust Research Center which provides analytic access to the HathiTrust's massive collections of digitized texts.
Kathryn Eccles, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Kathryn Eccles is Digital Humanities Champion at the University of Oxford, and a Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, a multidisciplinary department of the University of Oxford dedicated to understanding life online. Kathryn's research interests include the impact of new technologies on public interactions with arts and cultural heritage, understanding the scope, potential and impact of crowdsourcing; and the impact of new technologies on scholarly activity and behaviour.
Ben Fields, Computing Department, Goldsmiths, University of London
Ben Fields is a post-doctoral researcher in Computing at Goldsmiths University of London. He works on Transforming Musicology, focusing on the social media aspect of the project. His research interests include network analytics, audio signal processing, recommender systems, and Linked Data. Ben also runs the data-centric consulting agency Fun and Plausible Solutions. There he works with companies to better understand and leverage their data.
Klaus Frieler, University of Music “Franz Liszt”, Weimar
Klaus Frieler graduated in theoretical physics (diploma) and received a PhD in systematic musicology in 2008. In between, he worked as a freelance software developer before taking up a post as lecturer in systematic musicology at the University of Hamburg in 2008. In 2012, he had a short stint at the C4DM, Queen Mary University of London, working on singing intonation. Since end of 2012, he is a post-doctoral researcher with the Jazzomat Research Project at the University of Music “Franz Liszt” Weimar. His main research interests are computational and statistical music psychology with a focus on creativity, melody perception, singing intonation, and jazz research. Since 2006, he also works as an independent music expert specializing in copyright cases.
Heather Froehlich, University of Strathclyde
Heather Froehlich is finishing her PhD at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), where she studies social identity in Early Modern London plays using computers. Her thesis draws heavily from sociohistoric linguistics and corpus stylistics, though she sustains an interest in digital methods for literary and linguistic inquiry. Read more about her and her research at or on twitter (@heatherfro). Affiliations: RA- Visualising English Print (Strathclyde / UW Madison / Folger Shakespeare Library) Advisory board - Archaeology of Reading (UCL / Johns Hopkins / Princeton); Augmented Criticism Lab (UCalgary)
Isabel Galina, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, National University of Mexico
Isabel Galina is currently a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas at the National University of Mexico (UNAM). With a background in English Literature and Electronic Publishing, her PhD research at University College London (UCL) was on the impact of electronic resources on scholarly communication and publishing. This led to a particular interest in new modes of scholarship and digital projects within the Humanities.
At the UNAM she has been involved in numerous initiatives related to institutional repositories, digitization projects, electronic publishing and the use and visibility of digital resources. She is a founding member and current president of the Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD) which aims to promote and strengthen Digital Humanities with special emphasis on research and teaching in Spanish as well as the Latin American region in general
Martin Hadley, IT Services, University of Oxford
Martin Hadley is a visualization and data scientist evangelist in IT Services at the University of Oxford where he promotes the use of interactive technologies for education and sharing knowledge. Previously he worked as a technical consultant in industry, creating bespoke technical/programming training courses, training staff and designing custom user interfaces. At Wolfram Research Europe, Martin trained academics in the use of the Wolfram Language for exploring, solving and visualising their research problems and delivered technical presentations on a wide range of subjects from biophysics to image processing and machine learning.
Simon Hettrick, Software Sustainability Institute
Simon Hettrick is the Deputy Director and Policy & Communications Lead of the Software Sustainability Institute. Simon is responsible for the Institute's policy research and campaigning. He received his Masters degree in laser physics at Heriot-Watt University, and doctorate at the University of Southampton. Prior to his current position, he worked in patent law and lead communications for OMII-UK. Simon works with stakeholders from across the research community to develop policies that support research software, the people who develop that software and the researchers who rely on it. Simon's research focusses on the research software community with the aim of understanding the practices and demographics of this important community.
Matthew Holford, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Matthew Holford is curator of the Medieval Manuscripts Cataloguing Project at the Bodleian library and was previously senior researcher on another TEI-based digitization project, Mapping the Medieval Countryside (
David Howell, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
David Howell has been carrying out research in the heritage field for over 30 years, initially at Historic Royal Palaces but for 10 years in Oxford. He is focussed on non-invasive non-destructive research techniques and in particular the application of emerging digital technologies to heritage artefacts. These techniques include several methods of spectroscopic examination as well as Hyperspectral Imaging, Reflectance Transformation Imaging, and 3D scanning and printing.
Leif Isaksen, History, University of Lancaster
Leif is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Lancaster. His interests cover a wide range of digital applications in Archaeology, History and the Humanities more generally with a particular emphasis on spatial and Web technologies. He is also interested in the development of geographic thought in the pre-modern period.
Neil Jefferies, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Neil Jefferies is Head of R&D for Bodleian Digital Library Systems and Services at Oxford, guiding the development of digital preservation services at the Bodleian covering both traditional library materials and research data in all its forms. He is a scientist by training but has been working with internet technologies for nearly 20 years, mostly commercially - first website was Snickers/Euro'96! He is Technical Director of "Cultures of Knowledge", an international collaborative project launched in 2009 "to reconstruct the correspondence and social networks central to the revolutionary intellectual developments of the early modern period".
Gard B. Jenset, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford
Gard B. Jenset has a PhD in English linguistics from the University of Bergen. He currently works with language technology and is also a Visiting Researcher at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities. Among his research interests are corpus linguistics and quantitative methods in historical linguistics.
Anna Jordanous, School of Computing, University of Kent
Anna Jordanous is a lecturer in the School of Computing, at the Medway campus of the University of Kent. She is a member of the Computational Intelligence and Future Computing research groups. Her research areas include computational creativity and its evaluation, music informatics, digital humanities, knowledge modelling, Semantic Web, and natural language processing. Prior to coming to Kent, Anna was based in the Department of Digital Humanities and the Centre of e-Research at King’s College London.
Vitaliy Kaurov, Wolfram Research
Dr. Vitaliy Kaurov is a member of the Technical Communication and Strategy group at Wolfram Research. A physicist by education (ultra-cold quantum gases, non-linear dynamical systems and chaos) he conducts most of his scientific workflows, from computing to design, with Mathematica. He also publishes at the Wolfram Demonstration Project, writes for Wolfram Blog, and is a faculty member at The Wolfram Science Summer School. Vitaliy oversees the management and moderation of the Wolfram Community website.
Matthew Kimberley, Astrophysics/Zooniverse, University of Oxford
Matt Kimberley is the Humanities Projects Facilitator and Junior Researcher with Zooniverse. He has 8 years' experience in the library and information management sector, largely in collections-based public engagement and digital research project management. As a researcher, he currently works on modern media history (film, television, comics), cultural geography and genre theory.
Ruth Kirkham, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Ruth is an experienced Project Manager with a background of supporting a wide range of Digital Humanities projects since joining the University of Oxford in 2005. Ruth currently coordinates the Digital Humanities @ Oxford Network in the Humanities Division and works with the Cultures of Knowledge project as their Community and Technical Manager.
Graham Klyne, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Graham has been involved in Internet and Web standards for many years. He was a member of the W3C RDF working group and an editor of the RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax specification, and more recently the W3C Provenance working group and editor of the provenance access and query specification. As a software developer, he has worked for the past 10 years or so on applying web technologies to research in a range of disciplines from bioinformatics to classical arts.
Theodore Koterwas, IT Services, University of Oxford
Theodore Koterwas is the Web and Mobile Applications Lead for IT Services at University of Oxford. Ted leads web and mobile applications development in IT Services at the University of Oxford. He's worked creatively with technology since before phones had cameras, including directing the New Media exhibit development team at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
Donna Kurtz, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Donna is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre. She has a special interest in interoperability/open linked data and facilitating collaborative research across Humanities, Social Sciences and MPLS. Her proposal for a Cultural Heritage Programme in the Humanities Division exemplifies this by enabling doctoral students and senior members to engage in collaborative research across Archaeology, Oriental Studies, Law, Technology, Said Business School, and the University’s Museums and Collections.
David Lewis, Computing Department, Goldsmiths, University of London
David Lewis is a researcher based at Goldsmiths, University of London and Birmingham Conservatoire. His research focusses on the creation, dissemination and use of digital corpora of music (such as the Electronic Corpus of Lute Music) and music theory ( and Thesaurus Musicarum Italicarum).
Richard Lewis, Computing Department, Goldsmiths, University of London
Richard Lewis is a research associate at Goldsmiths College. He received his BA in Music and his MMus in Critical Musicology both from UEA and his doctoral work, carried out at Goldsmiths, explored issues around the uptake of computational techniques by musicologists.
Bertram Ludäscher, Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship, University of Illinois
Bertram Ludäscher is the Director of the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship and Professor with appointments at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois. He conducts research in scientific data management, scientific workflows, and data provenance. His research interests also include foundations of databases, knowledge representation, and reasoning. Ludäscher applies this work in a number of domains, e.g., biodiversity informatics and taxonomy.
Barbara McGillivray, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford
Barbara McGillivray (PhD, University of Pisa) is a data scientist at Nature Publishing Group and Visiting Researcher at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities. Her research interests include computational and quantitative corpus linguistics for historical languages and Latin in particular.
Jon McLoone, Wolfram Research
Jon McLoone has worked with Wolfram Research since 1992, working on software development, system design, technical writing and strategy. He supports educational projects in cooperation with universities and government research and has lectured on Mathematica around the world. McLoone has a degree in mathematics from Durham University. He is currently Director of Technical Communication and Strategy at Wolfram Research Europe and Content Director for, a project to redefine school maths education assuming the use of computers.
Andrew Meadows, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Andrew is a Professor in Ancient History, Faculty of Classics, and Tutorial Fellow at New College. He is editor of the American Journal of Numismatics, a past-editor of Coin Hoards, Co-director of the Online Coins of the Roman Empire project and currently the international Director of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum project. He is also the co-founder of the namespace, and is particularly interested in the application of Linked Open Data approaches to the publication of all forms of evidence for the ancient world.
Knut Melvær, Study of Religions, University of Bergen
Knut Melvær is a PhD Student in the Study of Religions from the University of Bergen. In his thesis work, he explores various digital approaches to text analysis and distant reading. Within the study of religions, his interest is in the conceptual history of religion and spirituality, theories and methodologies within the discipline. He is currently employed as an interaction designer and data analyst at Netlife Research.
Eric T. Meyer, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Eric T Meyer is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the OII. His research in the field of social informatics focuses on the changing nature of knowledge creation across the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities as technology is embedded in everyday practices. More information at
Grant Miller, Astrophysics/Zooniverse, University of Oxford
Grant is a recovering astrophysicist, now based at the University of Oxford. He works as the special projects manager and communications lead for the Zooniverse - the world's leading citizen science platform. They run over 40 projects across fields ranging from astronomy to zoology, and have recently been working on a platform that allows researchers to create their own citizen science projects in no time at all. Grant is responsible for looking after the interests of Zooniverse volunteers and researchers, and also works with research projects which study citizen science, social machines, and smart society.
Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Australian National University
Terhi is a lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Centre for Digital Humanities Research at the Australian National University. Her research involves the use of Linked Data and semantic technologies to support and diversity scholarship across a range of topics in the Digital Humanities. She's a Sustainable Software Institute Fellow for 2016.
Dominic Oldman, British Museum
Dominic is the Head of ResearchSpace (an Andrew W. Mellon funded project developing a collaborative research environment) and Senior Curator. He is deputy co-chair of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model Special Interest Group.
Kevin Page, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Kevin Page is a researcher at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre. His work on web architecture and the semantic annotation and distribution of data has, through participation in several UK, EU, and international projects, been applied across a wide variety of domains including sensor networks, music information retrieval, clinical healthcare, and remote collaboration for space exploration. He is principal investigator of the Early English Print in HathiTrust (ElEPHãT) and Semantic Linking of BBC Radio (SLoBR) projects, and leads Linked Data research within the AHRC Transforming Musicology project.
Meriel Patrick, IT Services, University of Oxford
Meriel Patrick works as part of the Research Support team in IT Services, as an Academic Research Technology Specialist. Much of her recent work has focused on research data management, in particular developing and delivering training for graduate students and other researchers. She also teaches philosophy and theology for Wycliffe Hall's visiting student programme, SCIO.
Janet Pierrehumbert, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Janet Pierrehumbert is Professor of Language Modelling in the Oxford e-Research Centre. She is one of the founding members of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, an interdisciplinary research organisation that promotes the scientific study of all aspects of language sound structure, as well as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Linguistic Society of America, and the Cognitive Science Society. Her current research focuses on the relationship between the dynamics of language — in acquisition, processing, or historical change — and the structure of linguistic systems.
Chris Powell, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
Chris is the Ashmolean's Data Architect, and has worked there for over 10 years. He is involved in the development of processes to transform the museum's collections and archives data in to digital form. He is also working on the design of the systems by which the collections will be made available as Linked Data, and is researching shape description as an access method for untranscribed manuscripts.
John Pybus, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
John works at the Oxford e-Research Centre where he has been part of many projects building technology to support research in the Humanities, with a particular interest in the application of semantic web technologies.
Allen Renear, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois
Allen Renear is Dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois. Professor Renear has been a GSLIS faculty member since 2001, serving a three-year term as associate dean for research before becoming Dean. Prior to coming to GSLIS Renear was Director of the Scholarly Technology Group at Brown University. His other academic leadership roles include serving as president of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Director of the Brown University Women Writers Project, Chair of the Open eBook Publication Structure Working Group (now ePUB/IDPF), and in various roles in the Text Encoding Initiative. His research and teaching are in the areas of data curation, scientific publishing, digital humanities, and the conceptual foundations of information systems. His research projects are associated with the GSLIS Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship.
Carolin Rindfleisch, Faculty of Music, University of Oxford
Carolin Rindfleisch studied “Music, Art and Media” at the Philipps-University Marburg and Musicology at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. She is currently a DPhil-student at the University of Oxford in the context of the “Transforming Musicology” project, and is doing research on the reception of Richard Wagner, comparing varying interpretations of leitmotifs from the Ring des Nibelungen in work introductions and opera guides.
Stephen Rose, Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London
Stephen Rose is Reader in Music at Royal Holloway, University of London. His specialisms include German music 1500-1750 and digital musicology. He has directed two collaborative projects with the British Library: Early Music Online (2011) and A Big Data History of Music (2014–15). In 2015–16 he holds a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship for a project on musical authorship from Schütz to Bach.
Kelsey Rubin-Detlev, Queen’s College, University of Oxford
Kelsey Rubin-Detlev is the Foote Junior Research Fellow in Russian at The Queen’s College, Oxford, and recently completed her DPhil on ‘The Letters of Catherine the Great and the Rhetoric of Enlightenment’. She is a researcher on CatCor, a pilot project to create a digital database of the letters of Catherine the Great; she was first trained in TEI XML for this project at DHOxSS.
Daniel Sawyer, Faculty of English, University of Oxford
Daniel received a BA in English from Queen Mary, University of London and worked in medical e-learning before taking his MSt and DPhil in English at Oxford. He researches the history of reading by applying a combination of quantitative and qualitative codicology to large numbers of medieval manuscripts, and has published work on manuscript fragments and on readers’ physical navigational aids in manuscripts. He also currently works on one facet of the Digital Manuscripts Toolkit project at the Bodleian Library.
Martina Scholger, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Graz
Martina Scholger is a research associate at the Centre for Information Modelling – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz. She studied Art History and is currently preparing her dissertation on the potential of digital editions in the analysis and reconstruction of artistic association processes. In addition to teaching data modelling, text encoding and X-technologies, her work at the centre involves the conceptual design, development and implementation of numerous cooperation projects in the field of digital humanities (see
She has been a member of the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing since 2014 and a member of the TEI Technical Council since 2016.
Ralph Schroeder, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Ralph Schroeder is Professor and director of the Master's degree in Social Science of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute. His recent books are Rethinking Science, Technology and Social Change (Stanford University Press, 2007) and co-authored with Eric T. Meyer is Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities (MIT Press 2015).
Sabine Seifert, Theodor Fontane Archive, Potsdam University
Sabine Seifert is a research associate at the Theodor Fontane Archive at Potsdam University, working on conception and realization of a digital edition of letters centered around Fontane. She was part of the project “Berlin intellectuals 1800-1830” at the Institute for German Literature at Humboldt University Berlin where she contributed to the development of the digital edition “Letters and texts. Intellectual Berlin around 1800”. She studied Modern German and English literature, and is a PhD candidate in Modern German Literature at Humboldt University Berlin, analyzing unedited manuscripts by the 19th-century philologist August Boeckh. Since 2014, she has been one of the conveners of the TEI Correspondence SIG.
Megan Senseney, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois
Megan Senseney works as Senior Project Coordinator for the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science where she also graduated with a Master of Science in 2008. Her recent projects and research interests focus on data curation issues in the digital humanities.
Joshua Seufert, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Joshua is the HD Chung Chinese Studies Librarian at the Bodleian Libraries. He studied Sinology at the University of Wurzburg, Peking University, and Renmin University of China. Trained at the State Library Berlin and the Bavarian State Library in Munich, he also holds a degree in Library and Information Science from Humboldt University Berlin. He worked as lecturer for Sinology at the University of Wurzburg, and as Managing Director of the European Centre for Chinese Studies and the European Chinese Language and Culture Programme at Peking University.
Judith Siefring, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Judith Siefring is Head of Digital Research at the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. Judith manages the Bodleian’s digital research project portfolio, working in partnership with librarians, academics, educators and students. Her digital humanities interests include digitisation, text encoding, digital citation, and sustainability.
Peter Stadler, Paderborn University
Peter Stadler is a research associate at the Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe at Paderborn University, Germany, where he is in charge of the digital edition of Weber's letters, diaries and writings. He is Co-Initiator and Co-Convenor of the TEI Correspondence SIG since 2008 and elected member of the TEI Technical Council since 2014.
Pamela Stanworth, IT Services, University of Oxford
Pamela Stanworth is the Senior Teacher in Oxford’s IT Learning Programme. She specializes in teaching concepts of database design and data analysis. She enjoys working with university staff to apply their word-processing and reference management skills in the academic environment.
Jessica Suess, Oxford University Museums, University of Oxford
Jessica Suess is the Digital Partnership Manager for Oxford University Museums. Jess is part of a small team that coordinates collaborative activity across the four Oxford University Museums. Leading on digital, she develops and manages projects in areas such as web, mobile, DAMS and evaluation.
Hongjie Sun, Shanghai Normal University
Dr Sun is a Chinese musicologist of western classical music. He studied at Henan Normal University and received his doctorate from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music on “Rhetoric Power and Conversational Function of Musical Genre”. After graduation he became lecturer (2009-2012) and Associate Professor for Musicology (2012-) at Shanghai Normal University. He is a member of the Council of the Society of Western Music in China, a contributing editor of East China Normal University Press, and chief editor of “Orpheus Music Series”. He is also an affiliated partner of CADAL (China Academic Digital Associative Library) project that is based at Zhejiang University Library. His research fields are historiography of music and music criticism.
Ségolène Tarte, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
Ségolène Tarte is a senior researcher at the Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, where she works on inter-disciplinary projects involving imaging sciences, information sciences, and the study of textual artefacts (e.g. papyrology, epigraphy, cuneiform studies). An image processing specialist whose research focus has turned to the Humanities, she is interested in the study, understanding, modelling, and support of expert knowledge in the Humanities.
Maria Telegina, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Maria Telegina is a DPhil Candidate in Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, writing a thesis on expression and perception of temporal and spatial concepts in modern Japanese.
Maria’s general research interests include cognitive linguistics, lexical semantics, cognitive lexicography, and experimental linguistics. While working on an analysis of her experimental data, she developed an interest in Digital Humanities, which was further enhanced by taking part in Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2015.
Marco Thiel, Aberdeen University
Marco Thiel is an applied mathematician at Aberdeen University with training in theoretical physics and dynamical systems. His main area of work is in mathematical modelling — the use of mathematical structures and patterns to describe many different kinds of systems in a wide array of disciplines. Some of the applications he has worked on in the past are Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, traffic modelling, studying the stability of our solar system, modelling the life cycle of a biological cell, population dynamics, financial and forensic mathematics, voting patterns, movement of newborns, climate modelling, and patterns in the mating behaviour of fireflies. Marco is a certified instructor for the Wolfram Language and an active member of the Wolfram Community.
Andrea K. Thomer, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andrea K. Thomer is a doctoral candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science and a research associate at the Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship. Before receiving her MLIS with a specialization in Data Curation from Illinois in 2012, she worked as an excavator at the Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits. Her research interests include biodiversity informatics; museum informatics; information organization; and long-term data and database curation.
David Tomkins, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
David Tomkins is based at the Bodleian Digital Library at Oxford and currently manages ORA-Data, the University’s institutional repository for research data. He has led a number of high-profile digitisation, content creation and crowd-sourcing projects for the Bodleian, including Queen Victoria’s Journals, What’s the Score?, Mapping Crime and Electronic Ephemera, having previously undertaken similar roles at the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Institute of Historical Research. David is co-author of Illustrating Empire: a visual history of British imperialism, and has also written book chapters, articles, and an online course for the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education.
Gabor M. Toth, University of Passau
Gabor M. Toth is an assistant professor at the University of Passau, and a visiting fellow of the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities. He accomplished his studies at the University of Oxford in 2014. In addition to the history of the Italian Renaissance, his main research interest is the application of corpus and computational linguistics for text analysis.
Victoria Van Hyning, Faculty of English, University of Oxford
Victoria Van Hyning is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at Oxford and based at Pembroke College. From 2014 to 2015 she worked as the Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow and Humanities Project Lead at Zooniverse. She is now the Humanities Principle Investigator. Her projects include Science Gossip, AnnoTate and Shakespeare's World. She is particularly interested in text transcription and digital pedagogy.
Max Van Kleek, Computer Science, University of Oxford
Max Van Kleek is Senior Research Fellow of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. He leads the Interaction research theme in the Social Machines project, and leads several projects at the intersection of personal and social data systems and architectures. He is currently designing new Web-architectures to help people re-gain control of information held about them "in the cloud", from fitness to medical records.
Deb Verhoeven, Deakin University
Deb Verhoeven is Professor and Chair of Media and Communication at Deakin University and was International Chair of the 2015 Digital Humanities conference Programming Committee. Professor Verhoeven is a leading proponent of the Digital Humanities in Australia, and is the Project Director of Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), a national research platform for the arts and humanities funded by NeCTAR (National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources). She served as inaugural Deputy Chair of the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (2008-2011) and as CEO of the Australian Film Institute (2000-2002). She held recent appointments on the Find and Connect Web Resource Advisory Committee (Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs), the inaugural executive of the Australasian Association of the Digital Humanities (aaDH) and the Tasmanian Government’s Digital Futures Advisory Council.
David M. Weigl, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford
David M. Weigl is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre. His work involves the application of Linked Data and semantic technologies in order to enrich digital music information and facilitate access to a variety of musical data sources. His research interests revolve around music perception and cognition, and music information retrieval.
Tillman Weyde, Department of Computer Science, City University London
Tillman Weyde studied Music, Mathematics, and Computer Science, and has been an active researcher for over 20 years on the intersection between machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, as well as music and signal analysis. Tillman is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at City University London and leads the Music Informatics Research Group there. He is the Principal Investigator in the AHRC Digital Transformation Project ‘Digital Music Lab - Analysing Big Music Data’.
Pip Willcox, Centre for Digital Scholarship, University of Oxford
Pip Willcox is the Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship at the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. The Centre is a hub for translating innovative digital technologies into multidisciplinary academic practice and public engagement and Pip is an advocate for engaging new audiences with multidisciplinary scholarship and digital methods and technologies. Her interests include book history, editing, and text encoding. Projects she has run include the Sprint for Shakespeare public campaign, the Bodleian First Folio project, Early English Print in the HathiTrust (ElEPHãT), a linked semantic prototyping project, and SOCIAM: the theory and practice of social machines. Pip serves on the Text Encoding InitiativeBoard of Directors, and is Co-director of the annual Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, convening its introductory workshop strand. Pip holds a research post at the University of Oxford e-Research Centre.