Everyday Sexism Datahack

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The Everyday Sexism project, founded by Laura Bates in 2012, documents the frequency and range of instances of sexism experienced by people in their daily lives, with stories and accounts submitted directly to the website. The more than 120,000 entries crowdsourced from the public so far draw attention to this persistent and pernicious problem within contemporary society.

To encourage new ways of thinking about and engaging with the problem of sexism in daily life, the Everyday Sexism Datahack, organised by the Oxford Internet Institute, will encourage creative engagement with the textual data gathered by the project, and bring together people with different disciplinary backgrounds to analyse, process and display the data in imaginative ways, and discuss the meanings behind it.

The day will begin at 10am with an introduction to the project by founder Laura Bates, and an outline of the dataset by Taha Yasseri, followed by a speed-networking session led by Kathryn Eccles to build teams around shared ideas. Once teams have been assembled, work begins, with OII facilitators ensuring that teams are provided with any materials and data-expertise they require. Over lunch teams will give brief progress reports and perhaps request additional input or resource. At the end of the day, teams will pitch their projects to the group, a prize will be awarded for the best project, and the day ends with a drinks reception, and a chance to reflect on and discuss what was discovered in the data and the stories.

Registration is mandatory as this will be a small event. If you’d like to attend, please send an email to events@oii.ox.ac.uk by Thursday 17 November with the following information: Name, department, why you want to attend, and whether you have any technical, artistic or other specialist skills. You may also attend part of the day if you cannot make the whole day.


Digital Humanities