Data: The Yin and Yang of data management


Data - Lunchtime talks for researchers - IT Services

Anyone who manages data will face individually reasonable requirements which nevertheless seem to conflict with each other. Alex Hacker presents four such intractable contradictions and their harmonious resolutions, illustrated with examples from his work on the China Kadoorie Biobank.

The ‘Data’ series of lunchtime talks is aimed at researchers from all disciplines who generate, gather, rearrange, or re-purpose data. The talks will deal with software, services, and techniques to help you make the most of that data. Covering data visualisation tools and projects, and aspects of data management from planning to re-use, these talks are intended to inspire, whilst also considering the practical requirements of research funders and issues surrounding data sharing. Join us to hear how others are doing things with data, both in Oxford and outside, and come along to tell us about what you are doing.


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