15cBOOKTRADE: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance Medieval and Modern Languages, Dr Christina Dondi - ERC Funded
A Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT Computing Laboratory, Professor Marina Jirotka - EPSRC Funded
A Museum Without Walls: Realising the Potential of Crowdsourcing in the Arts Oxford Internet Institute, Dr Kathryn Eccles - AHRC Funded
A New Edition of Leonardo's Codex Leicester for Bill Gates Trinity College, Martin Kemp - Bill Gates Funded
A Study of Transnational Jewish Relief Networks and the Emergence of Jewish Internationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, 1860s – 1870s Faculty of History, Milena Zeidler
A Virtual Research Environment for the Study of Documents and Manuscripts (VRE-SDM) Faculty of Classics, Professor Alan Bowman - JISC
Ancient Arabian Languages and Cultures Oriental Studies, Professor Jeremy Johns, Mr Michael MacDonald - The John Fell Fund
Ancient Cyprus in the Ashmolean Museum Ashmolean Museum, Jonathan Moffett - Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, MLA
Architecture, Mathematics, and English Culture 1550-1750 History of Science Museum, Stephen Johnston - AHRC
Archives and Artefacts: Exploring the past through the work of E.T. Leeds and A2A Ashmolean Museum, Arthur MacGregor - Heritage Lottery Fund, Oxfordshire County Council
Automatic annotation of the Spoken BNC Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, John Coleman and Mark Liberman - JISC
Autonomous Morphology in Diachrony: comparative evidence from the Romance languages Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Martin Maiden - AHRC
Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads Bodleian Libraries, Mike Heaney - NFF Specialised Research Collections Initiative
Book of Curiosities: An early 11th-century Arabic cosmography Oriental Studies Faculty, Emilie Savage-Smith; Jeremy Johns - AHRC, Heritage Lottery Fund
British Archaeology at the Ashmolean Museum: Rationalisation and Enhancement of the Historic Collections Ashmolean Museum, Arthur MacGregor, to 2008; Susan Walker, 2008-2011 - AHRC
Building a Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities (BVREH) Oxford e-Research Centre, Alan Bowman - JISC
Cognitive Underpinnings of Reading Handwritten Scripts: Investigating Variations for Applications in Digital Palaeography (CURHSIVA-DP) Various, Ségolène Tarte - OUP Fell Fund
Computer vision approaches to the study of early printing English Faculty, Dr. Giles Bergel - John Fell Fund; JISC
Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries English Faculty, Professor Sally Shuttleworth - Arts and Humanities Research Council
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Buckets Archaeology, Helena Hamerow - Marc Fitch Fund, Society of Antiquaries, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Online Classics Faculty, Donna Kurtz - Getty Trust and the National Academies of British, French, Bavarian,
Creative Practice in Contemporary Concert Music Music Faculty, Professor Eric Clarke, Faculty of Music - AHRC
Cutting Edge: Revealing hidden stories in a cross-cultural collection of arms and armour : 2006-08 Pitt Rivers Museum, Helen Hales - Designation Challenge Fund
DAMARO - Data Management Roll-Out at the University of Oxford (2012-2013) IT Services, Paul Jeffreys - JISC
Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources Classics Faculty, Tobias Reinhardt - Packard Humanities Institute, AHRC, and The British Academy
Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections Special Collections and IT, Matthew G Kirschnbaum, MITH - Andrew W Mellon Foundation
Digital Humanities @ Oxford Network Divisional Administration, Andrew Fairweather-Tall - John Fell OUP Research Fund
Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM) Music Faculty, Elizabeth Eva Leach; Thomas Schmidt (Bangor); Martin Kauffmann - AHRC, Andrew W Mellon Foundation, IWT
Digitally Curating Knowledge Creation: Understanding and Recording the Process of Interpreting Cultural and Historical Artefacts Oxford e-Research Centre, Ségolène Tarte - AHRC
Discovery: Digital semantic corpora for virtual research in philosophy Oxford e-Research Centre, Paolo D’Iorio - European Commission (eContentplus programme)
Domesday Text Project Pilot Theology and Religion Faculty, David Roffe and Katharine Keats-Rohan - John Fell OUP Research Fund
e-Science and Ancient Documents (eSAD) Classics Faculty, Alan Bowman; Michael Brady; Melissa Terras (UCL) - AHRC, EPSRC, JISC
Early Modern Festival Books Database Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Prof. Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly - Oxford University Press/John Fell Fund at Oxford University
Egyptian Mirage. A database of 19th-century "studio photographs" Oriental Studies Faculty, Jaromir Malek - Griffith Institute
Electronic Database of Poetic Form English Faculty, Elizabeth Scott Baumann and Ben Burton - Self-funded
Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature Oriental Studies Faculty, Jacob Dahl - Leverhulme Trust, AHRB (AHRC)
England: the Other Within: Analysing the English Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum Pitt Rivers Museum, Christopher Gosden - Funding Body
European Networking Resources and Information Concerning Cultural Heritage (ENRICH) Project IT Services, Sebastian Rahtz, Lou Burnard, James Cummings - EU
Evaluating Digital Tools for Theatre and Dance: BAC Scratch Online Oxford Internet Institute, Eric T. Meyer - Nesta, AHRC, Arts Council England
Humanities Information Practices Oxford Internet Institute, Eric T. Meyer - Research Information Network
I.Sicily: a digital corpus of Sicilian inscriptions Classics Faculty, Jonathan Prag - John Fell Fund (Oxford)
Integrating Broadside Ballad Resources Online Bodleian Digital Library Systems & Services, Alexandra Franklin - JISC
International Reciprocal Research Network (Haida Material Culture in UK Museums) Pitt Rivers Museum, Laura Peers - The Leverhulme Trust; John Fell Fund, University of Oxford
Jane Austen's holograph fiction manuscripts: a digital and print resource English Faculty, Kathryn Sutherland - AHRC
Linked Music Oxford e-Research Centre, Kevin Page - Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, JISC, e-Research South
Machine-readable grammatical resources for Indonesian Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, Mary Dalrymple
Making Britain: South Asian Visions of Home and Abroad 1870-1950 History Faculty, Susheila Nasta (OU) - AHRC
Mapping Manning: The Man who Collected Oxfordshire Alison Roberts - Oxford University Museums Partnership, Innovation Fund
Medieval Libraries of Great Britain (MLGB3) History Faculty, Richard Sharpe - Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua Vols. IX-X: Images from the Cox Archive Classics Faculty, Charles Crowther
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI: Monuments from Phrygia, Lycaconia, and Cappadocia Classics Faculty, Peter Thonemann - AHRC, British Academy
Multimodal language documentation for Dusner, an endangered language of Papua Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, Mary Dalrymple - Leverhulme Trust Project F/10 192/A
Music, Digitisation, Mediation: Towards Interdisciplinary Music Studies Music Faculty, Georgina Born - ERC
Novum Inventorium Sepulchrale - Kentish Anglo-Saxon graves and grave-goods in the Sonia Hawkes archive Archaeology, Helena Hamerow - AHRC, Römisch-Germanische Kommission
On-line language documentation for Biak (Austronesian) Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, Mary Dalrymple
Oxford Digital Library Bodleian Digital Library Systems & Services, Michael Popham, Dave Price - Bodleian Libraries; Andrew W Mellon Foundation; JISC
Oxford eSocial Science (OeSS) Project Oxford Internet Institute, William Dutton, Marina Jirotka, Ralph Schroeder
Oxford Latin American Economic History Database Interdisciplinary Area Studies, Latin American Centre, Rosemary Thorp (retired) and Valpy FitzGerald - Hewlett Foundation
Oxford Russian Life History Archive Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Catriona H. M. Kelly - Leverhulme Trust, AHRC
Pacific Pathways: Multiplying contexts for the Forster ('Cook-Voyage') collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum : 2002-03 Pitt Rivers Museum, Jeremy Coote - Arts and Humanities Research Council
Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum Classics Faculty, Alan Bowman - Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Pichnavi Archaeology, Michael Vickers - British Academy, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, and others
Poinikastas: Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing Classics Faculty, Alan Bowman - Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Portuguese Literature: A Co-Companion Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Dr Stephen Parkinson - John Fell Fund
Preserv: Repository Preservation and Interoperability Bodleian Digital Library Systems & Services, Steve Hitchcock - JISC
Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire Ashmolean Museum, Arthur MacGregor - Heritage Lottery Fund
Recovering the material and visual cultures of the southern Sudan: A museological resource Pitt Rivers Museum, Jeremy Coote and Elizabeth Edwards - AHRC
Rethinking Pitt-Rivers: Analysing the Activities of a Nineteenth-Century Collector Pitt Rivers Museum, Jeremy Coote - The Leverhulme Trust
Scene details in Ancient Egyptian monuments: Oxford Expedition's electronic database and publications project (c.2960 - 2040 BC). Oriental Studies Faculty, Yvonne Harpur and Paolo Scremin - AHRC
Sir John Evans Centenary Project Ashmolean Museum, Arthur Grant MacGregor - Leverhulme Trust; Heritage Lottery Fund
South Cadbury Environs Project Archaeology, Gary R. Lock - University of Bristol, Leverhulme Trust, AHRB
Sprint for Shakespeare Bodleian Digital Library Systems & Services, Dr Emma Smith - public fund-raising campaign
Stationers' Register Online (SRO) Bodleian Libraries Research & Learning Services, Dr Giles Bergel - University of Oxford Lyell Fund
Strasbourg & the History of the Book: Five Centuries of German printed books and manuscripts Humanities Subject Area - LRS, Nigel F. Palmer, Liz Baird
Structural Analysis of Large Amounts of Music Information (SALAMI) Oxford e-Research Centre - JISC, NSF, SSHRC
Sudamih -- Supporting Data Management Infrastructure for the Humanities IT Services, Paul Jeffreys - JISC
Technologies of Enchantment: Early Celtic Art in Britain Archaeology, Christopher Gosden, John Mack, University of East Anglia (Co-Investigator) - AHRC
The Ashmolean Cyprus Digitisation Project Classics Faculty, Dr. Anja Ulbrich - A.G. Leventis Foundation
The Creswell Archive Ashmolean Museum, James W. Allan - Barakat Trust, British Academy, Oxford University
The Italian Opera Aria on the London stage 1705-1801 Music Faculty, Michael Burden - Eugene Ludwig Family Charitable Trust, University of Oxford John Fell Fund
The John Johnson Collection: an Archive of Printed Ephemera Bodleian Libraries Research & Learning Services, David Tomkins - JISC
The Other Within: Analysing the English collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum Pitt Rivers Museum, Alison Petch - ESRC
The reuniting of Osip Mandelstam's texts and archives in digital form Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Jennifer Baines - AHRC
The Shakespeare Quartos Archive Bodleian Digital Library Systems & Services, Richard Ovenden, Bodleian Libraries - JISC-NEH
The Tibet Album: British photography in Central Tibet 1920-1950 Pitt Rivers Museum - Arts and Humanities Research Council
The Venetian Book-trade in the 15th Century: material evidence for the economic and social history of the Renaissance Medieval & Modern Languages Faculty, Cristina Dondi - British Academy
The Wandering Jew's Chronicle Digitisation Project Bodleian Libraries Research & Learning Services Giles Bergel - British Academy Small Grants scheme; Lyell Research Fund
TileWeb: Paving-Tile Watercolours Online Ashmolean Museum, Maureen Mellor - Manifold Trust and The Census of Medieval Tiles, Sharing Museum Skills Millennium Award
Tudor Partbooks: the manuscript legacies of John Sadler, John Baldwin and their antecedents Music Faculty, Dr Magnus Williamson - AHRC
Understanding Indonesian: developing a machine-usable grammar, dictionary and corpus Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, Mary Dalrymple
Using Web Archives: A Futures Perspective Oxford Internet Institute, Eric T. Meyer - International Internet Preservation Consortium
Verb semantics and argument realization in pre-modern Japanese: A comprehensive study of the basic syntax of pre-modern Japanese Oriental Studies Faculty, Bjarke Frellesvig - AHRC
Victorian Social Reform: A Bibliography of the Published Papers of the Social Science Association 1857-86 History Faculty, Lawrence Goldman - AHRC
Watercolours of Egypt made by Hector Horeau in 1838, now in the Archive of the Griffith Institute Oriental Studies Faculty, Jaromir Malek - Griffith Institute
Wilfred Thesiger's Photographs of Arabia Pitt Rivers Museum, Christopher Morton - Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage
William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné Bodleian Libraries, Prof Larry J Schaaf - William Talbott Hillman Foundation
Word joins in real-life speech: a large corpus-based study Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics Faculty, John Coleman - ESRC
World Wide Web of Humanities Oxford Internet Institute, Eric T. Meyer - JISC/NEH transatlantic digitisation collaborative grants programme
Xaira IT Services, Lou Burnard - Andrew W Mellon Foundation and the British National Corpus Consortium
Yousef Jameel Online Centre for the Study of Islamic and Eastern Art Ashmolean Museum, Paul Groves - Yousef Jameel, Hon. LHD.
3 Apr A Linked Open World: Alexander the Great, Transnational Heritage and the Semantic Web Event Speaker: Andrew Meadows New College, Oxford OX1 3BN. www.new.ox.ac.uk
7 Jun A Workflow for Online and Printed Catalogues of Compositions: Technical Approach and Conceptual Challenges In 2014, the Danish Centre for Music Editing (DCM) published the first ever thematic-bibliographic catalogue of Carl Nielsen's (1865-1931) works. Oxford e-Research Centre, Access Grid Room, 7 Keble Road
2 Oct AHRC Network - Digital Cultural Heritage China The lead organisation in China is Peking University through its School of Arts. The Oxford China Centre
20 Nov Analysing Text and Image in Early-Modern Architectural Treatises using Machine Learning The Merton History of the Book meeting this term will be a talk by Benoit Seguin who has been collaborating with Lia Costiner on digital analysis of text and images. Merton College, Breakfast room
23 Feb Are the Humanities More Digital than the Sciences? Speakers: Howard Hotson (Professor of Early Modern Intellectual History, University of Oxford), Andrew Prescott (Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Glasgow), Dave De Roure (Professor of e-Research, Oxford e-Research Centre) and Heather Viles ( Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
11 Mar Blogging and digital scholarship - a forum In this 2-hour forum seasoned bloggers from the University will explore the relationship between blogging and their formal academic work. IT Services, Banbury Road
28 Jan BNCWeb – exploring a corpus of late twentieth century English This session will introduce and explore basic concepts of corpus design and construction, and introduce techniques, functions and methods for corpus analysis. IT Services, Banbury Road
27 Jul Bodleian iSkills: Open Access Oxford - what's happening? A briefing on open access publishing and Oxford's position including REF requirements for Open Access and ‘Act on Acceptance’; Green vs. Gold open access options; funder mandates and publisher policies; Oxford Research Archive (ORA) and Symplectic and the Training Room, Radcliffe Science Library, Radcliffe Science Library, University Science Area, Oxford, OX1 3QP
24 Feb Bringing People Together: Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies (SNAP:DRGN) Event Speaker: Gabriel Bodard (Kings College London) Lecture Theatre, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles', Oxford
20 Jun Connected Life 2016: Collective Action and the Internet Connected Life 2016: Collective Action and the Internet is a two day-long conference, held at the University of Oxford on 20th and 21st June 2016, dedicated to igniting multidisciplinary exchanges and showcasing exciting Internet research. Oxford Internet Institute
11 Feb Contemporary Political History in the Digital Age This event will bring early-career and more established historians together with archivists, policymakers and digital specialists to consider these and other questions about the relationship between politics, digital technologies and the writing of histor Foreign & Commonwealth Office London
4 Feb CQPweb – exploring a range of corpora This session will focus on mining a large corpus from Early English Books Online for historical information. IT Services, Banbury Road
10 Jun Creating 21st Century Infrastructure for Digital Humanities Scholars at Oxford This series of two workshops aims to connect digital projects with a view to framing a joint funding proposal for the infrastructure necessary to support digital scholarship in Oxford. St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
24 May Critical Visualization lunchtime talks The TORCH Critical Visualization are hosting an event. Each of the network lunchtime sessions will feature two 10-minute talks, that won’t be necessarily related beyond the fact that they broach an aspect of visualisation. St. Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
13 Dec CRITICAL VISUALIZATION NETWORK LAUNCH Event Speaker: Igea Troiani, Pip Willcox, SégolèneTarte Lecture Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
22 Apr Cross-cultural Music Mood Recognition Music Information Retrieval (MIR), as an interdisciplinary area of research, has developed rapidly in the last decades. Oxford e-Research Centre, Conference Room, 7 Keble Road
4 Mar Crowdsourcing for impact - a forum How can crowdsourcing be used for outreach and public engagement? In this panel session you will be introduced to a number of crowdsourcing initiatives. IT Services, Banbury Road
4 Mar Data visualisation: Creating interactive visualisations using R and Shiny R is used by millions of researchers in the sciences and humanities around the world who benefit from the vast range of open source packages and tools for data analysis and visualisations. IT Services, Banbury Road
16 Feb Data visualisation: Data analysis and interactive visualisations with Mathematica Mathematica is a tool used by researchers around the world for calculus, text and data analysis as well as for easily creating interactive visualisations using “Manipulate”. IT Services, Banbury Road
15 Feb Databases: An introduction to Oxford's Online Research Database Service(ORDS) The Online Research Database Service (ORDS) is a new service for researchers based at the University of Oxford. IT Services, Banbury Road
18 Sep Digital Cultural Heritage India The AHRC Network Digital Cultural Heritage India will hold a three-day event in the University of Oxford's e-Research Centre 16-18 September. Oxford e-Research Centre
4 Jul Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2016 The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School offers training to anyone with an interest in the Digital Humanities, including academics at all career stages, students, project managers, and people who work in IT, libraries, and cultural heritage. St Hugh's College, University of Oxford
2 Jun Digital Humanities Breakfast Join us for another insightful Digital Humanities Breakfast. Come along and enjoy food and fascinating lightning talks from academics and researchers working in the Digital Humanities at Oxford. Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
25 Feb Digital Humanities Breakfast Join us for the first in our series of Digital Humanities Breakfasts. Come along and enjoy food and fascinating lightning talks from academics and researchers working in the Digital Humanities at Oxford. Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
20 Jun Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar The Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar aims to bring together graduate students working in the field of Digital Humanities (DH) across the university, as well as others that may be interested in the field. Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
6 Jun Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar The Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar aims to bring together graduate students working in the field of Digital Humanities (DH) across the university, as well as others that may be interested in the field. St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
23 May Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar The Digital Humanities Graduate Research Seminar brings together graduate students working in the field of Digital Humanities (DH) across the University, as well as others that may be interested in the field. Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
8 Mar Digital Humanities Lunch Join us for another fascinating insight into the people and projects working in the Digital Humanities at Oxford, hosted by the Humanities Training Team. Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
26 Apr Digital Humanities Training: Pipedream to Project: Planning digital research projects in the humanities This session will explore some of the potential avenues for digital research projects, and offer guidance on how to undertake effective planning of such projects... Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
8 Dec Digital Methods: Visual Analytics Series - Every Thursday between 23 June and 8 December 2016 The Centre for Digital Scholarship invites you to attend a major series on Visual Analytics, led by Margaret Varga, chair of the NATO Exploratory Visual Analytics Research Task Group and visiting fellow at the University of Oxford’s Department of Oncology Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
26 May Digital Research with OUP Data Oxford University Press is offering members of the University the opportunity to work directly with the data that underpins some of its most popular digital content. Weston Library Lecture Theatre
12 Feb Digital Restoration for Beginners: Is this for me and how would I get started? This seminar is aimed at those interested in the digital reconstruction of manuscripts, wanting to find out more about how it could help their research before committing to purchasing the necessary software. Lecture Room B, Faculty of Music, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DB
7 Mar Digital Scholarship and ORA Drop-ins and Coffee Afternoons - Centre for Digital Scholarship Digital Humanities scholars might be interested in regular drop-in sessions held weekly at the Weston Library's Centre for Digital Scholarship. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library (every Monday of term)
17 Feb Digital Transformations The representation of the Industrial Revolution in the 2012 Olympic Games as a disruptive and traumatic event reflects the way in which we envisage the changes currently associated with digital and network technologies. Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St Anne's College
15 May Digitally Reconstructing Tudor Music Manuscripts: A Public Open Weekend Join us at our open weekend to discover more about John Sadler and the process of digitally reconstructing his partbooks. Faculty of Music, St Aldates, Oxford
14 May Digitally Reconstructing Tudor Music Manuscripts: A Public Open Weekend With funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Tudor Partbooks team are digitally reconstructing Sadler's manuscripts to return them to their former glory and a more legible state. Faculty of Music, St Aldates, Oxford
10 Jul Digitizing the Stage: Rethinking the Early Modern Theatre Archive The Bodleian Libraries and the Folger Shakespeare Library will convene a conference on digital explorations of the early modern theatre archive, to be held 10-12 July 2017. Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG
27 Nov Discursive networks about youth in the late Soviet Union Social scientists are increasingly interested in the systematic use of text. This talk describes a method which combines qualitative content analysis with network analysis. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
25 Feb Exploring modern European languages with CLARIN A wealth of corpora and other language resources are becoming more easily available to researchers thanks to the CLARIN European Research Infrastructure Consortium. IT Services, Banbury Road
27 Aug Immersive Technologies Summer School 2019 The Immersive Technologies Summer School introduces skills, required to create immersive experiences in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). University of Oxford
8 May Introduction to Crowdsourcing Are you curious about Crowdsourcing? Would you like to know more about what Crowdsourcing is, how it works, and what it can do for academics and audiences? Radcliffe Humanities, 3rd Floor Seminar Room
18 Jun Introduction to Digital Humanities This session aims to demystify the Digital Humanities and show how the methods employed in this field might be of use to graduate students working in History, Literature, Music or other cognate disciplines. Room 212 Rewley House (Department for Continuing Education)
1 Mar Is Digital Cultural Heritage more elitist than democratic? An interdisciplinary discussion with Dr Jacob Dahl (Oriental Studies), Professor Mark Graham (Oxford Internet Institute) and Dr Emma Cunliffe (Endangered Archaeology). Lecture Theatre, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
11 May iSkills: Newspapers and other online news sources from the 17th to 21st century Newspapers are a valuable resource for researching, not only news but also many other aspects of society. In this session we will introduce key historical and contemporary sources of news and how to make best use of them. Training Room, Radcliffe Science Library, Radcliffe Science Library, University Science Area, Oxford, OX1 3QP
10 May iSkills: Online resources for historians A general introduction to the vast range of electronic resources which are available for all historical periods of British and W European history: bibliographical databases, biographical / reference research aids, ebooks and ejournals, web portals, and co Training Room, Radcliffe Science Library, Radcliffe Science Library, University Science Area, Oxford, OX1 3QP
27 Jan Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities How have digital technologies changed research practices in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities? Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
10 Jun Learning Inconsistent Systems and Language Change Natural languages are highly structured, but they are never perfectly regular. In language contact situations, learners face the challenge of learning inconsistent input. Oxford e-Research Centre, Conference Room, 7 Keble Road
3 May Life-Writing in the Digital Age Robin Dunbar (Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, University of Oxford), Lorna Hughes (Professor in Digital Humanities, University of Glasgow) and Max Saunders (Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Life-Writing Research, Kings College Lon Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD
15 Oct Mixing it up: Understanding and using mixed methods research in social sciences This is an accredited online course for researchers interested in mixed methods. Online
18 Dec Music encoding as an interpretation process: Are there any traditions? Encoding music can serve a wide range of purposes and dozens of music codes have been developed. Oxford e-Research Centre, 7 Keble Road
10 May Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform (OAR) invite you to join them for an information session on a new publishing and research initiative for artistic and practice based researchers at Oxford university, to be launched later this year. Wadham College
4 Aug Oxford-Illinois Digital Libraries Placement Programme - Project Presentations This seminar reports upon the work of the two 2016 recipients of the Oxford-Illinois Digital Libraries Placement Programme positions which have taken place over the summer in the Oxford e-Research Centre and the Bodleian Libraries. Oxford e-Research Centre, Access Grid Room, 7 Keble Road
2 Jun Pipedream to Project: planning digital research projects in the humanities A digital research project in the humanities can cover an endless array of possibilities: digitized or digitally-born collections, websites, apps, digital media outputs, repositories or digital research tools. Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities
11 Nov Reborn Digital: text, transmission, and technology Text is at the heart of many fields of digital scholarship, and understanding the production of the text we work with at scale is essential to understanding and interpreting research findings. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
15 Feb REF, impact and Open Educational Resources Using the Bodleian First Folio and the Great Writers Inspire project as central examples, Emma Smith identifies some of the ways curating your own digital academic profile can help with impact, public engagement, and career development. IT Services, Banbury Road
8 Feb Research data management planning: An introduction for researchers Data management plans (DMPs) are becoming an increasingly important aspect of research - many funding bodies now require one as part of a grant application. IT Services, Banbury Road
19 Nov Research Seminar—Digital representations of manuscript provenance: reconstructing the history of the Phillipps collection Tracing the individual histories of the Phillipps manuscripts reveals much about the movement of European medieval and early modern manuscripts over the centuries, and about the ownership networks in which they circulated. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
20 Nov Research Seminar—Songs of Data: An introduction to sonification Sonification is a complementary, but lesser known, technique to visualization. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
3 May Research Uncovered—CabiNET: Integrating Text and Object in Oxford Teaching The CabiNET project is using new high-resolution 2D and 3D imagery to assist students in further study and revision of objects they first encounter as part of their course work. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
16 Feb Research Uncovered—Martin Maiden on digitizing meningitis: thirty years of sequencing the meningococcus For more than two hundred years, meningococcal disease has been one of the most feared childhood infections, with epidemics occurring unpredictably. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
20 Jun SEAHA Conference This year’s SEAHA conference will be hosted at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford on June 20–21, 2016. School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
30 Jun SEAHA Special Seminar in Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging Multispectral/hyperspectral imaging is the process in which image data is captured at specific frequencies across the ultra violet (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford, OX2 6UD
17 Feb Sharing the Wealth: Numismatics in a World of Linked Open Data Event Speaker: Andrew Meadows (University of Oxford) Lecture Theatre, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles', Oxford
21 Jun Speaking in Absence: Letters in the Digital Age In any study of history, the input of those who produce it is vital. In the case of correspondence – a personal source, not intended for publication – this input is particularly special. Weston Library, Broad St, OX1 3BJ (8:30-17:00) and Wolfson College, Linton Rd, OX2 6UD
24 Oct Spectral Landscapes mixed media event 'Spectral Landscapes is a mixed media event which will explore the concept of the "English Eerie": a form where use of the landscape in literature, film, art, music, and television creates a sense of unease and of Otherness to unnerving effect. The Old Fire Station, George Street, Oxford
12 Nov Telling ancient tales to modern machines: representing Sumerian literary narratives as RDF Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data have the potential to support and complement traditional scholarship in Assyriology. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
24 May Text Analysis Masterclass: "How do we control what we measure using quantitative text analysis methods?" This event will present the latest developments in ways social scientists can use text and provides an excellent opportunity to explore the promises but also the limitations of this quickly expanding research field. Lecture Theatre, Manor Road Building
18 Feb The Oxford English Corpus – lexicography and beyond The Oxford English Corpus, and related datasets, offer the opportunity to explore current and recent trends in the English language, via a very large and growing corpus which is regularly updated with new texts. IT Services, Banbury Road
21 Jan TORCH - What Does it Mean to be Human in the Digital Age? Humanities and the Digital Age will explore the relationship between Humanities and the digital. It will consider digital’s at once disruptive and creative potential, and imagine future territory to be prospected. Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG
18 Jun Trunk to tail: linking ElEPHãTs through the Semantic Web This seminar introduces the principles and technologies behind Linked Data, ontologies, and the Resource Description Framework (RDF), and describes how these technologies are applied to early English print. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
30 Jun Visualising data How can we take big data sets and make them easy to interpret, useful, and above all visual? Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
17 May Wellcome Trust Funding Event - Humanities & Social Sciences The Wellcome Trust will visit Oxford on 17 May 2016 to talk about research funding opportunities across the Humanities and Social Science funding schemes. Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
16 Feb XML Editing: Basic XML editing with the oXygen XML Editor This two-hour course gives an introduction to XML (the extensible markup language), a popular markup language with vocabularies for encoding a wide variety of digital text and other data. IT Services
19 Feb XPath: Using XPath to search in the oXygen XML Editor This two-hour course will give you an introduction to XPath and a practical exercise using it. IT Services
29 Feb XSLT: Transform your XML documents This day-long course will provide an introduction to transforming your XML documents with the extensible stylesheet language: XSLT. IT Services
1 Nov Big Data and History of Knowledge: Virtual Reconstructions and Enhanced Publications as interfaces to research, education and cultural heritage Representations of Big Data are still just too “flat” to exploit them in depth for historical research in the humanities or for the disclosure of cultural heritage. Lecture Theatre, Faculty of History, George Street, OX1 2RL
3 Feb From card to computer: a Bodleian catalogue and Early Modern Letters Online Howard Hotson (Professor of Early Modern Intellectual History, University of Oxford) and Miranda Lewis (Digital Editor, Early Modern Letters Online) will discuss the Bodleian's invaluable card catalogue, the 'Index of Literary Correspondence', the library Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
22 Jul Fundraising through Digital: how clicktivists, slacktivists and hacktivists are helping us beat cancer sooner Michael Docherty, Digital & Strategic Marketing Planning Director, Cancer Research UK will explore the work Cancer Research UK are doing to increase their fundraising impact through digital and how they're opening up their research for the digital world t Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford, OX2 6GG
9 Jun Historiography at Scale: People, Places, and Professions in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, published initially in 2004, is the work of roughly 10,000 scholars, runs to 60 volumes in print, and is made up of more than 62 million words. Weston Library Lecture Theatre
15 Jun Introducing the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) This lecture will explore the use of IIIF in an international context, and will also describe the implementation of IIIF standards at the Bodleian Library. Lecture Theatre, Weston Library
8 May Research Uncovered—A Linked Open Data Buddhist Text Archive Event Speaker: Jeff Wallman Weston Library Lecture Theatre
2 May Research Uncovered—A rock and a hard place: creating the Online Corpus of Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia Event Speaker: Daniel Burt Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
16 May Research Uncovered—Digitization for Research at the Bodleian: Creating Tools for Active Scholarship Event Speaker: Emma Stanford, Judith Siefring Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
12 May Research Uncovered—Fostering ‘the gift of confidence’ for women in the electronic music scene Event Speaker: Amy V Beeston, Liz Dobson
24 Jan Social Media: The risks, the opportunities and what it means for you and me The impact of social media on society today is undeniable – sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram have millions and even billions of users. In this talk, Dr Jason R.C. Nurse considers the positive uses of social-media information, while Weston Library Lecture Theatre
17 Jun The Science of Woodblock Illustrations S. Blair Hedges is Professor in Biology and Director of the Center for Biodiversity at Temple University. Also a scholar of printed illustrations, he has pioneered new digital and forensic methodologies for studying early woodcut and copperplate prints, i Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
1 Dec ‘The undiscover’d country’: digital special collections, scholarship, scale, and society For decades scholars have been using digital technologies to discover, locate, and view libraries' special collections. Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford
5 Nov Data: Challenges in dealing with very large collections of speech John Coleman will talk about how human languages are extraordinarily large, complex and variable and how until recently, our ability to analyse or model these has been profoundly challenged by a problem of scale. IT Services, 13 Banbury Road
19 Nov Data: Reproducible Research - Statistical Analysis with R using RStudio, GitHub and Shiny This talk will present practical, open source and integrated solutions to designing and streamlining your statistical analysis workflow using R within the RStudio environment, on the fly publishing of reports using knitr, interactive web graphics with Shi IT Services, 13 Banbury Road
29 Oct Data: The Yin and Yang of data management Anyone who manages data will face individually reasonable requirements which nevertheless seem to conflict with each other. IT Services, Banbury Road
22 Oct Data: Trunk to tail - linking ElEPHãTs through the Semantic Web HathiTrust offers millions of digitized titles; EEBO-TCP is a smaller well-defined collection of texts from 1473 to 1700. IT Services, 13 Banbury Road
1 Sep Digital Hermeneutics and Cross Platform Research: Walking to the Theatre in Shakespeare’s London By exploring the cross-platform interoperability of new or relatively new digital projects in development, this talk will present a street view of theatre routes that London playgoers walked before and during the Shakespearean period. Weston Library Lecture Theatre, Broad St, Oxford
23 Jun Digital Knowledge and Culture research cluster talk: Web Historiography and Digital Humanities Since the mid-1990s the web has become ever more important and indispensable for the communicative infrastructure of most societies, and in many people’s everyday lives. Oxford Internet Institute, Seminar Room, 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS
9 Jun Doing (very) contemporary history with the archived Web: Rowan Williams, archbishop of Canterbury, and the sharia law controversy of 2008 The decade following the turn of the millennium may have seen an epochal shift in the nature of the discussion of religion in public life in the UK. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
4 Mar Negotiating the Archive(s) of UK Web Space This presentation will discuss the challenges faced by researchers wishing to work with the archive(s) of UK web space. IT Services, 7-19 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN
19 Jan Research Uncovered: Alistair Paterson on Visualizing Australian Rock Art and Archaeological Heritage This paper previews the types of techniques being used by Australian archaeologists and collaborators in a range of study areas. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
26 Jan Research Uncovered—Andrew Hankinson on searchable music notation While music libraries around the world are digitizing millions of musical scores, there are currently very few efforts underway at extracting the musical content from these page images and making the music notation available for large-scale search and ana Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
27 May Research Uncovered—Christine Borgman on Data, Scholarship, and Libraries Data, long understood as essential evidence for scholarship, are now viewed as products to be shared, reused, and curated. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
17 May Research Uncovered—Crowdsourcing and Humanities Research Is crowdsourcing a viable tool for literary historians and critics to use in their research? Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
22 Jan Research Uncovered—David De Roure on Ada Lovelace, Numbers, and Notes Ada Lovelace’s notes on music and computation inspired the musical content of the Ada Lovelace Symposium held at the University of Oxford in December, on the 200th anniversary of her birth. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
2 Jun Research Uncovered—Digital Humanities: Ferment in the Field As Digital Humanities continues to grow and develop as a discipline, both in terms of its interdisciplinary work and the development of research questions specific to itself, there has emerged a number of controversies about its supposed nature. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
31 May Research Uncovered—Digital Wildfires: the challenge of provocative content on social media This talk describes current research on digital wildfires. The research examines how provocative content spreads on social media and the impacts that it has. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
8 Mar Research Uncovered—Joanna Bullivant on the Delius Catalogue of Works Digital research is an increasing priority in the humanities, and yet scholars frequently lack the necessary technical skills and support networks to realise their ideas. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
5 Feb Research Uncovered—Julia Craig-McFeely on Exultation and Despondency: the digital reconstruction of Tudor Partbooks This talk looks at some of the techniques of digital reconstruction and restoration developed by the Tudor Partbooks team, and some of the difficulties we have encountered, both physical and ethical, in developing this complex process. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
29 Jan Research Uncovered—Neil Jefferies on Framing Digital Objects within Context and Provenance A digital object derives much of its meaning from attributes that are not intrinsic to the artefact itself. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
2 Feb Research Uncovered—William Allen on visualizing UK immigration for and with non-academics Researchers in the humanities and social sciences increasingly visualize their data and results for non-academic audiences like policymakers, civil society organizations, or journalists. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
8 May AHRC Technical Appendix Workshop This workshop brings together colleagues who have been responsible for giving AHRC applicants advice on the Technical Appendix with Oxford members of the Technical Reviewers panel. Room 3, Taylor Institution, St Giles
21 May Digital Humanities Lunchtime Briefings These introductory briefings are for scholars in the humanities who want to know more about the opportunities to use advanced digital technologies for research. Lecture Hall, Taylor Institution, St Giles
17 Nov "Will you play upon this"? Designing auditory displays for Early Modern drama Compared to visualization, approaching textual analysis through sonification is under-studied. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
14 Jan #SocialHumanities Datahack: Self-(Re)presentations on Social Media How do people represent themselves on social media, and how are they represented by others? Which qualities and virtues are emphasized (or ignored)? How polarised are these (re)presentations? The Oxford Launchpad (Saïd Business School)
27 Oct An Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative Research Support, Academic IT Services and the Centre for Digital Scholarship offer a course introducing the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative for creating digital texts. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
5 Sep Artificial Intelligence in the World of Languages Creative Multilingualism, in collaboration with the Joint National Committee for Languages, welcomes you to the University of Pittsburgh for the international workshop, Artificial Intelligence in the World of Languages. University of Pittsburgh
1 Dec Bodleian Libraries Research Skills Toolkit - Humanities Would you like to brush up on your IT and information skills for research? IT Services, 13 Banbury Road
9 Nov CIDOC CRM Mapping workshop for humanities scholars and cultural heritage professionals Aimed at professionals who have expertise and understanding of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) but who are not necessarily technical in their roles. Oxford e-Research Centre
5 May Critical Visualisation Symposium Venue: St. Luke’s Chapel (Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford OX2 6GG) St. Luke’s Chapel (Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford OX2 6GG)
7 Jun Critical Visualization Conclusions workshop Venue: St. Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter St. Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
3 Jul Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School The annual Digital Humanities at Oxford (DHOxSS) summer school runs this year from 3rd-7th July at various central Oxford venues, including St. Anne’s College, the Oxford e-Research Centre and IT Services. St Anne's College; IT Services; Oxford e-Research Centre
26 Sep Digital Humanities Data Carpentry [2] workshop Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology (next to Kellogg College on the Banbury Road in the centre of Oxford)
26 May Digital Humanities Training: Interactive fiction writing workshop Introduction to Writing Interactive Fiction. Stories that allow the reader to make choices are a powerful artform in their own right, creating a dialogue between reader and creator. Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities (ground floor), Woodstock Road
31 May Digital Humanities Training: Would you like to set up a crowdsourcing project? Would you like to set up your own crowdsourcing project? It's easy! Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford
28 Nov Digital Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries Join us to celebrate our work on digital manuscripts at the Bodleian at a day-long event showcasing Digital Bodleian, the Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project in collaboration with the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, and the launch of our Mellon-funde Lecture Theatre, Weston Library
16 Feb Digital Methods—How to make a digital edition: an introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative Event Speaker: James Cummings; Pip Willcox Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
26 Nov Don't Waste Space: how GIS can aid Digital Humanities research This talk will examine the role of space and GIS in the Digital Humanities, including both potentials and pitfalls, and provide an introduction which should help you begin to understand how GIS could aid your own research. Digital Humanities Network Session, Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities (ground floor), Woodstock Road
11 Jan Encoding Music and Text This workshop will bring together colleagues with a range of subject and disciplinary interests both to understand the scope of the current knowledge of the music- and text-encoding landscapes and to articulate fields for potential development. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
24 Nov Everyday Sexism Datahack The Everyday Sexism project, founded by Laura Bates in 2012, documents the frequency and range of instances of sexism experienced by people in their daily lives, with stories and accounts submitted directly to the website. The Oxford Internet Institute, 41 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS
18 Apr Exploring spoken word data in oral history archives A workshop will take place in Oxford 18-19 April as part of the CLARIN-PLUS project, which aims to reach out to new users to discover requirements for the use of language technologies in a variety of disciplines. e-Research Centre
20 Jun Immersive Technologies, Destination Oxford: a taste of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for newbies, veterans and futurists This event brings together researchers, students and industry leaders with a shared interest in immersive technologies. Mathematical Institute, Lecture Room 1
13 Jun Impact through Online Presence: Tools and Strategies for the Humanities Creating an online presence can open up your research and teaching (or any interest!) to a global audience, and is now essential in promoting yourself professionally to the outside world. IT Services, 13 Banbury Road
19 May Introduction to Crowdsourcing in the Arts and Humanities What is Crowdsourcing, how does it work, and what can it do for academics and audiences? Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities
1 Oct Linked Art: Networking Digital Collections and Scholarship We welcome all those working with digital cultural heritage data to join us for a day of exploration and discussion about Linked Art on the 1st October 2019, hosted by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 2RL, UK
29 Feb Linked Data - Digital Humanities Training workshop The Semantic Web can be thought of as an extension of the World Wide Web in which sufficient meaning is captured and encoded such that computers can automatically match, retrieve, and link resources across the internet that are related to each other. Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities (ground floor), Woodstock Road
9 Oct Linked Music Hackathon The Linked Music Hackathon brings together those with a shared passion for music and the data that describes it: students, coders, researchers from all disciplines, and members of the public; all with an interest in exploring, combining, playing, hacking, Goldsmiths, University of London
3 Dec Maker fayre: engaging audiences with Early English data This workshop will explore the ins and outs of running a hackathon with digital data or content. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
30 Oct Making the Material Digital: Approaching Special Collections through Image and Text This session will introduce you to some of the challenges and opportunities in working with digital text and images, and will share lessons and best practices from the Bodleian’s digital projects. Digital Humanities Network Session, Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities (ground floor), Woodstock Road
27 May Making the most of digitized books and manuscripts: a free IIIF workshop Learn about new digital tools for humanities research and build your own virtual workspace for viewing books and manuscripts from libraries around the world in this short talk and workshop. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
8 Feb Online Presence: Raising your academic profile Creating an online presence can open up your research and teaching (or any interest!) to a global audience and is now essential in promoting yourself professionally to the outside world. IT Services, Banbury Road
25 Nov ORA workshop: discovery and digital curation of scholarly output Come along to this hands-on session to find out about the new REF Open Access requirements and how to deposit publications and data into ORA. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
9 Jan Reproducible Research Oxford Software Carpentry bootcamp Event Speaker: Philip Fowler, Iain Emsley TORCH, Radcliffe Humanities Building
20 Jan Research Skills Toolkit for Humanities Division 2 hour workshops to introduce key software and online tools for your research, hone your searching and information skills and introduce you to subject specialists. IT Services, Banbury Road
30 Nov Social Media for Impact Social media is an increasingly important part of academic practice. In this session we will look at how the medium is being used to promote academic work and raise academic profile, network with colleagues, and to engage with the public online. Digital Humanities Network Session, Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road
13 Mar Software Carpentry workshop: Unix shell, git for version control, and programming in R Event Speaker: Maja Založnik, Laura Fortunato, Martin Hadley Manor Road Building, Manor Road
28 Nov Textual Editing for students We are looking for enthusiastic undergraduates and postgraduates from any discipline to take part in workshops in textual editing culminating in the publication of a citable transcription. Weston Library: Centre for Digital Scholarship
6 Nov Textual Editing for students We are looking for enthusiastic undergraduates and postgraduates from any discipline to take part in workshops in textual editing culminating in the publication of a citable transcription. Weston Library: Centre for Digital Scholarship
21 Apr The Music of Sound: a sonification symposium The celebrations of Ada Lovelace’s 200th birthday demonstrated a larger interest in the intersection of machinery, music, and culture, and pushed existing disciplinary boundaries. The symposium will build on this and we look forward to developing ideas an University of Oxford e-Research Centre OX1 3QG
18 Nov Training Workshop—Linked Data for Digital Scholarship: introducing the Semantic Web The Semantic Web can be thought of as an extension of the World Wide Web in which sufficient meaning is captured and encoded such that computers can automatically match, retrieve, and link resources across the internet that are related to each other. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
16 Mar Understanding Impact via Social Media In a one-day workshop offering tricks and tips for measuring and analyzing impact via social media, participants will be taught some practical skills, as well as having the opportunity for discussion and debate. Understanding Impact via Social Media
24 Jul Unlocking Musicology: Narratives through Data The AHRC funded Unlocking Musicology project has applied novel methods and tools across a wealth of digital music and music-related data. O’Reilly Theatre, Keble College, Parks Road, Oxford
31 May Visualize Your Data for the Web using D3.js We are very grateful to Alfie Abdul-Rahman from the Oxford e-Research Centre for offering this workshop. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to visualize your data from an expert with many years’ experience in the field. Conference Room, University of Oxford e-Research Centre, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QG
13 Oct Wikipedia: Women in Science edit-a-thon Wikipedia edit-a-thon: create or improve Wikipedia articles about women scientists and their achievements. IT Services, Banbury Road
15 Oct Wikipedia: Women in Science image-a-thon We will illustrate Wikipedia articles with images from various sources, with a focus on women in science. IT Services, Banbury Road
14 Oct Wikipedia: Women in Science improve-a-thon This session looks into Wikipedia's quality scale and review processes, and at how we can get articles showcased. IT Services, Banbury Road
12 Oct Wikipedia: Women in Science transcribe-a-thon Join us for the first ever transcribe-a-thon: we’ll use Wikisource to create an electronic edition of a historic book about women geniuses. IT Services, Banbury Road
22 Feb Working with digital text: a hands-on introduction to basic computational techniques (Oxford-only) This introductory two-day workshop will help students and researchers get to grips with basic computational analysis methods. Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
9 Nov Zegami: Bringing your image collections to life Event Speaker: Samuel Conway and the Zegami team Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library
9 Oct Zegami: Bringing your image collections to life Event Speaker: Samuel Conway and the Zegami team Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library